
Zesty Low Sodium Salsa

One of my favorite snacks is chips and salsa. And after reading the contents of the many salsa brands in the store, I realized that it would be better and yummier to make my on version without all the sodium and preservatives.

This recipe fills one 12oz mason jar.
8oz Del Monte Tomato Sauce w/No Salt
1/3 cup chopped tomato
1/4 cup diced onion
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 tsp garlic
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp chili paste

Total Prep/Cook Time:
20 minutes

In a mixing bowl combine:
Tomato Sauce/ Tomato /Onion/ Lemon Juice/ Garlic/ Sea Salt/ Chili Paste

Mix well and transfer over to mason jar. Enjoy dipping Green Mountain Grinco all natural chips straight from the jar or desired serving dish.